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Healthy Communities

(Health Promotion)

Barwon Health is committed to improving health over a full spectrum of care. This includes promoting health and preventing poor health before it occurs. This is the role of The Healthy Communities team.

What is Health Promotion?

Health Promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health. It moves beyond a focus on individual behaviour towards a wide range of social and environmental interventions (The World Health Organisation, 2015). 

What we do

We recognise that health is not just an outcome of individual behaviour choices. We work with communities in the places they live, learn, work and play. We develop, implement and evaluate health promotion initiatives using a range of strategies.

We collaborate with other key partners across our region to improve the reach and outcomes of our projects. The Healthy Communities team works with a range of partners such as: 

• Workplaces 
• Health services 
• Schools and universities
• Local and state government 
• Local community organisations 
• Other Barwon Health staff and departments

Our region covers the five local government areas of City of Greater Geelong, Colac Otway Shire, Golden Plains Shire, Greater Borough of Queenscliffe and Surf Coast Shire. This is also known as the G21 region.

Our priority areas for 2021 – 2025 are: 

HCU Work Areas Icon 06.04.2022

Current Resources

Health Literacy Guide Related Link HC Webpage Icon Promoting Healthy Behaviours 26.04.2022 2020 Snapshot related link 2019 2020 ReportWPH 2024 Calendar Website Tile

Related Links

About us page  Our team

Our plans

2023 2024 Annual Plan tile

Last Modified: Wednesday, 19 June 2024