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Neurology Rehabilitation

(including stroke, brain tumour and progressive neurological conditions)

The Neurology team provides rehabilitation for adults who have experienced an acquired neurological condition such as stoke, brain tumour or progressive neurological condition (e.g. Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease).  We work with people to deliver goal-focused and time-limited rehabilitation following a new diagnosis or a deterioration in function.  

Rehabilitation appointments are provided within the Community Rehabilitation Centres at Belmont and in North Geelong (McKellar Centre) and can also be provided at the client’s home or in the local community. 

The Community Rehabilitation Centre has a purpose built gym, access to specialist rehabilitation equipment and customised clinical treatment spaces.  Hydrotherapy is also available to people as part of their physiotherapy program with the Neurology Team.   

Client appointments can be individual or within a group and are based around the person’s goals for recovery.  The Neurology Team commonly supports people to return to:

  • managing day to day tasks at home
  • adjusting to the changes in their life
  • returning to study or work
  • returning to sport, hobbies and social activities
  • returning to driving

The Neurology Team is made up of allied health, medical and nursing professionals from the following backgrounds: rehabilitation medicine, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech pathology, exercise physiology, recreation therapy, social work, clinical psychology, neuropsychology, dietetics and podiatry.  Clients may work with one or more health professional depending on their needs and goals for recovery.


There is no out of pocket cost for appointments. 

WorkSafe will cover the cost of rehabilitation for people with an approved claim.

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) may provide funding for appointments and equipment for people who are registered and have an approved plan.

How to refer

A General Practitioner (GP), medical specialist or any health professional can make a referral. Referrals are received by our two services in Belmont and in North Geelong.  Clients will be offered the service closest to their home:

For people living closest to Belmont:

Email:               This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Fax:                  (03) 4215 6839

Post:                 Belmont Community Rehabilitation Centre

                          1-17 Reynolds Road, Belmont 3216

                          PO Box 281, Geelong VIC 3220

Electronic referral: referralNET (Geelong region only)

Phone:             4215 7000

For people living closest to North Geelong:

Email:               This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Fax:                  (03) 4215 6376

Post:                 McKellar Community Rehabilitation Centre

                         45-95 Ballarat Road, North Geelong 3215

                         PO Box 281, Geelong VIC 3220

Electronic referral:  referralNET (Geelong region only).

Phone:             4215 5301

In your referral, please include a summary of the person’s medical diagnosis, current symptoms and issues, goals for rehabilitation and any relevant risks. 

All referrals are triaged and if not suitable for community rehabilitation, the referral may be forwarded on to a more appropriate service or feedback provided to the referrer.

Last Modified: Tuesday, 12 September 2023