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Totally Smokefree

At Barwon Health, health is our business. We are therefore dedicated to protecting and promoting the health of our patients, staff and visitors. As a result, all Barwon Health sites are now 'Totally Smoke Free', creating a safe and healthy smoke-free environment for all. Smoking is not permitted in any building, outdoor area or vehicle within the boundaries of Barwon Health facilities.

Help for smokers

Community-based smoking clinics

Four 'Be Smokefree' Clinics now offer specialist support for those who want to quit or cut back on their smoking. The clinics are conveniently located at the following Community Health Centres:

  • Belmont 4215 6800
  • Corio 4215 7100
  • Newcomb 4215 7520
  • Torquay 4215 7800

Give us a call or download the self-referral form in the service brochure. Help is also available from your local GP or pharmacist, or from Quit or free call 13 78 48.

What happens when you're admitted to hospital?

The development of the Smoke Free Policy has resulted in a major shift in our approach to assisting inpatients who smoke. Patients admitted to Barwon Health are offered NRT on prescription, (free of charge), as part of a holistic treatment program. Upon discharge, these patients are offered NRT on prescription for one month, with charges applying as for other medication.

Quitting smoking PRIOR to surgery is particularly encouraged.

If you smoke, your body is less able to cope with anaesthesia and you are more at risk of:

  • Reduced oxygen supply to your heart
  • Increased likelihood of blood clotting
  • Slower healing of bones and skin
  • Wound infection and
  • Decreased tolerance to pain that requires higher doses of pain-relieving drugs.

By quitting for eight or more weeks before surgery these risks can be reduced considerably.

Last Modified: Tuesday, 16 May 2023