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Living Well with Type 2 Diabetes

Living Well with Type 2 Diabetes

Learning together with others in a group setting and it is a free course.

Living Well with Type 2 Diabetes is a community health course to assist you in managing your Type 2 Diabetes.

In a friendly group setting, you are supported to gain more confidence in the self-management of your Type 2 Diabetes .

Course content includes:
• What the experts recommend and how we can implement these into our day to day activity.
• Making choices that help your diabetes.
• How to keep on top of your diabetes.
• How to prevent diabetes complications.
• Anything that might be worrying you about your diabetes.

Where is the course offered?
The course is offered at Barwon Health’s Community Health Centres and other community venues in Geelong.

There is no charge to attend the course.

Course attendance
In order to gain maximum benefit, course participants are encouraged to make a commitment to attend all five course sessions, as each week builds on knowledge gained in the previous session. These go for 2 ½ hours each and have a break during the session.

Partners, carers & friends
Partners, carers or friends are welcome to attend the course with you.

For more information, contact:
Information and Access Service on 1300 715 673

Last Modified: Friday, 07 December 2018