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Diagnosis and medication fact sheets

Diagnosis fact sheets

For further information about clinical diagnosis.

Medication fact sheets

Should you find yourself in circumstances where medication is prescribed, there are resources to understand medications better and assist in making an informed choice. Barwon Health has a partnership with Choice and Medication, to provide medication fact sheets to help consumers, their supporters and family members.

Medication decisions should be made as part of a discussion with a healthcare professional.

The Choice and Medication website contains up-to-date medication fact sheets which outline the benefits and risks of each medication. The fact sheets have also been translated into a number of languages which you can select from.

Basically there are four main types of medication:

  • those that treat depression or low mood
  • those that stabilise your mood
  • those that treat anxiety
  • those that treat psychosis or altered thought patterns

The response to medication can vary from person to person. What is helpful to one person might not help another. Finding the right medication and dosage for your needs can take some time. It is important that you are fully informed of your options and what to expect from each medication.

Use this resource page and work with your treating team so that you can understand:

  • what results to expect from your medication
  • how long it will take to experience a difference
  • how to take your medication effectively
  • how to keep track of what medications works for you (a medication diary can be useful)
  • what to do if the medication doesn’t work as expected
  • what to do if you experience any unpleasant or unbearable side effects

We encourage all consumers, supporters and families to connect with their treating or care team for additional information and support. It is important to let them know what has and hasn’t worked.

Please refer to Tools & Resources for additional information on Advanced Statements and Nominated Person/s.

Last Modified: Tuesday, 08 November 2022