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Barwon Health / Maternity Services

(03) 4215 2060

Support & resources

Breastfeeding Classes

Conducted by experienced lactation consultants over one two-hour session, this class is specifically designed for women who have had previous breastfeeding problems. 

Please note: A breastfeeding class is included in the Child Birth Education series for first-time mothers. 

Topics covered: 

  • Baby-friendly hospital 
  • Skin to skin contact 
  • How breastfeeding works 
  • The importance of a proper latch 
  • How to know your baby is getting enough breast milk 
  • What to do if my baby is crying 
  • What to do and who to contact if problems do occur. 

📅 Click here to view and book your childbirth education sessions.

In-hospital support for feeding your baby

Midwives who care for mums at Barwon Health have knowledge and experience with breastfeeding and can provide support and help with establishment of breastfeeding in most situations. Specialist lactation consultant midwives can also provide additional support in hospital by referral from ward staff. Once you go home with your baby, the home visiting midwives are very experienced and will offer breastfeeding support, advice and information.

If you have concerns or feel you need one-on-one counselling about breastfeeding, please talk to your midwife about arranging an appointment with one of the hospital’s lactation consultants.

Lactation consultants

A Lactation Consultant (LC) is a professional member of the healthcare team with higher education in the health sciences, clinical practice in lactation and breastfeeding care and education in human lactation and breastfeeding. They are formally certified for practice by the International Board Certified Lactation Examiners (IBLCE) certification examination. LCs provide a specialised breastfeeding support service for breastfeeding mums experiencing some difficulties or have specific issues requiring more specific assistance.

Extended lactation service

Our lactation service offers breastfeeding assistance to women who have accessed University Hospital Geelong for their maternity care, postnatal care or have had a baby admitted to the Special Care Nursery. The service is staffed by midwives who are International Board Certified Lactation Consultants.

Our experienced breastfeeding experts offer appointments for mothers with babies usually up to six weeks old. Bookings for this clinic are essential. To make an appointment please call 4215 2060.

The lactation service aims to:

  • assist parents with all feeding issues by supporting and enabling mothers to successfully breastfeed and establish a relaxed nurturing experience
  • improve parenting knowledge, skills and experience
  • increase parenting confidence and independence when breastfeeding
  • promote positive parent/child relationships.


Lactation consultants are available to support women, in hospital or after discharge, with breastfeeding advice, for example:

  • positioning and attachment advice
  • management of sore nipples
  • assessment of milk supply
  • medications and breastfeeding
  • feeding support for twins or triplets
  • cleft lip and or palate
  • mastitis
  • breast and nipple thrush
  • tongue-tie
  • any other breastfeeding concerns, including concerns arising during pregnancy 

Last Modified: Friday, 28 June 2024