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Barwon Health / Research

(03) 4215 0000

Deakin University Collaborations

Barwon Health (BH) has a Collaborative Framework Agreement with Deakin University (DU) which acknowledges our close research relationship and need to collaborate on research projects. This may entail the sharing of resources, staff, facilities and infrastructure.

To ensure your BH-DU collaborative project experiences a timely review and meets the requirements of the Collaborative Framework Agreement in addition to Victorian ethics and governance guidelines, the following is required:


  1. BH HREC Approval is required for research involving BH staff/patients and/or their data or specimens. Barwon Health is not able to accept any university HREC approvals, whereas Deakin Research Office will accept BH HREC approval under their prior approval scheme (more details provided below).
  2. Peer Review Form is required for all student projects and ethical high risk projects - click for proforma and process.
  3. A Barwon Health staff member is required to be listed as Principal Investigator

In addition to ethics approval, governance authorisation is also required at each site you intend to conduct your research, including Barwon Health.


4. Barwon Health Head of Department/Director Signoff/ Declaration of Support is required for all submissions.

5. An Annexure A agreement is required for all research project collaborations under the BH-DU Collaborative Framework Agreement in order to document details including funding arrangements, sponsorship, intellectual property and resources contributed by each institution. Please upload the partially executed agreement to ERM (with DU signature) and RDU will secure BH Executive signature once approved.

6. A Visiting Researcher Application form is required for all DU staff requesting access to identifiable BH patient data and/or requesting to come on site at BH to conduct their research project.  

BH DU collaborative research projects are otherwise advised to follow the multi-site submission requirements depending on ethical risk level (QA/Neg Risk, Low Risk, Greater thsn Low Risk or Clinical Trial).

You can contact [email protected] for further information and assistance with accessing/submitting ethics and governance forms

Frequently Asked Questions

Last Modified: Wednesday, 13 March 2024